Jodi Wetzel

Jodi Wetzel
Jodi’s recent blog posts
Conversant highlighted in report that asserts high-quality NPE-owned patents a key feature of the semiconductor industry
A new report by technology consulting firm iRunway looks at the semiconductor largest patent holders, the growing presence of NPEs and the increase in patent litigation over the last 20 years. The report also looked at the owners of the highest quality semiconductor memory patents, which it describes as seminal. Among NPEs, Conversant has a […]
Showcasing the start-ups driving the Internet of Things
Innovation and start-ups go hand in hand. So it’s not surprise that the Internet of Things (IoT) ‘Start-up Showcase’ was a highlight at Semicon West 2014. This session featured five start-ups whose technology demonstrated not only the exciting products that are driving the IoT wave, but also the importance of R&D and patent-protected inventions. Pellucid GPS: […]