For Investors

Patents as an asset class attract a wide range of investors. Hedge funds and private equity are looking for non-traditional and non-market-correlated opportunities. Venture capital may have invested in a start-up company that has nothing left other than a patent portfolio. A debt holder may have foreclosed on a company’s patent portfolio. MOSAID is in the business of making innovation more rewarding, so we are always looking for creative ways to marry capital with patent portfolios to create more value.

If you are looking to invest in patents, then give us a call. Because increasing the value of patents is all we do, we see the deal flow of patents that are on the market. Better yet, we may know of valuable patents that are not yet on the market, waiting for the right offer. Or maybe you have been approached about investing in a portfolio and need our expertise to evaluate and price the portfolio and develop a plan to turn the opportunity into a return.

If you have a patent investment that is underperforming or outside your core competency, then give us a call. We can work with you to size up the possibilities to create the best possible outcome. Perhaps we can step in to apply our expertise in patent management, licensing, and enforcement to optimize your return.

We will work with you as we work with other patent owners to generate returns on their investment in their own patent portfolios. Through our patent management services, sophisticated partnership models, and innovative programs, we help our global partners realize the full value from their patent assets. We’ve earned our reputation through the way we conduct our patent analysis, reverse engineering, prosecution, acquisition, licensing, and assertion activities. Let us put our experience to work for you.

Copyright © 2013-2025 MOSAID Technologies Incorporated, previously Conversant Intellectual Property Management Inc.
MOSAID Technologies Incorporated, previously Conversant Intellectual Property Management Inc.